Monday, March 16, 2009

The Rules of My Game

If you've dated often enough you tend to develop some rules to live by - if you've dated too often you start to share those rules with the person you're dating because you no longer care what they really think.

You also tend to become blunt with those who think they're clever, when they aren't.

A man walks through a crowded parking garage having a stilted conversation with the woman walking next to him. He's visiting her for the week and he's trying to convince her that he's not as annoying as he seems. He leans over and says, "I'm going to leave something behind when I go back home so I have an excuse to come back."

In complete dead pan the woman replies, "Oh, you shouldn't do that. I throw things away when people leave them at my place."

The man then tries to explain where the concept comes from, even though the woman is just as knowledgeable of the Seinfeldian origins. The man finally gives up and says he was just joking.

The woman nods...

And thus you've all learned my first rule.
If you leave things behind without checking, I will tell you about the left behind article once... maybe even twice, if I'm feeling nice and then I willy simply throw it away. This seems bitchy, I know, however if I kept every little thing a man left behind I'd have boxes of old things from men. As it stands now I only have a few lingering gifts and perhaps just a few lingering feelings.

I actually think throwing things away can be very cathartic - it's the act of releasing something that you shouldn't be carrying with you. It's letting go of things you need to be rid of. (Yep, that's totally a metaphor for letting go of bitterness and unhappiness). *smile*

Those are the rules of my game and if you don't like it you can take your ball and go home.