Thursday, February 12, 2009

Who's Just Not That Into You?

A few years back there was this groundbreaking new book called, "He's Just Not That Into You," and after reading the first few chapters, I promptly threw the book in the trash. This book seemed to think that all men are alike and that all situations can be solved quite simply by saying that the man really isn't all that into you. I appreciate the attempt to put the responsibility back on men, it doesn't really work that way if the book is marketed towards women.

Last night I had a brief panic attack when my friend texted me with the message, "I'm never dating again," because his reasoning came from "She's Just Not That Into In You." I later learned that this wasn't a not so clever attempt to rework the original book, but merely an article that he'd read. I gave him my standard answer - "I hate that book. It doesn't make sense, because specific situations cannot be solved with general solutions."

He seemed to accept this very reasonable response, but it made me wonder. Why are so many people willing to accept general solutions to their specific problems. I would stand a little taller, with more confidence in my opinion if the book hadn't become sooo ridiculously popular and if they hadn't made a newly released movie about it.

Anyway, I wanted to check out this article... I really did, but I couldn't find it anywhere. I can only assume that it was heart wrenching and horrible!

And I want to be perfectly clear - You simply cannot solve specific problems with general answers.