Monday, February 9, 2009

It's Like Déjà Vu All Over Again

As I start to review my dating history, I realize that basic pattern recognition skills are NOT my strong point.

I totally dated the same man twice and it has taken me months to figure it all out - Okay, it wasn't literally the same man, but it was damn close. Some might call this karma, because I wasn't too attached to the first man and I may have *cough* refused to have sex with him because he was too small *cough* and decided to go wash my truck instead.

Okay, to be fair, the real reason was because I didn't like the man. He was a psychology major, only child, a little pudgy, with dark hair and goatee like facial hair.

I don't think I need to tell you that we didn't last long. It's always difficult to date someone you don't actually like.

Okay, fast forward 3 years - I see this man again, on St. Patty's Day, when I'm so smashed I have no idea what I'm doing. I manage to make a fool of myself and refer to him as "the truck guy" and tell him to stay on his side of the city.

I proceed to go out to my car where I make out with some other guy, who is also drunk. We then go our separate ways and I am no wiser for the incident because...

Fast forward another 3 years and I start dating a red-headed, psychology major, only child, slightly pudgy, with goatee like hair guy.
Yep... it was the same guy all over again, just different time, state and hair color.

I think this may have been karma coming back to bite me in the ass because I wasn't very nice to the first guy, so the second guy wasn't very nice to me.

I'd like to think that I have now learned my lesson, after dating almost exactly the same guy twice. Well... probably not, though I'm positive that I absolutely CANNOT happily date an only child. Only children seem to lack the social skill set that I need to be happy.

So, what lessons can YOU take from this?

Well - For starters, I'd suggest looking at your own dating life- How often have you dated the "same" man in the hopes that the result will be different? Perhaps re-defining your dating agenda and requirements are in order.

And second - Karma is a bitch.