Monday, March 23, 2009

The $200 Dinner

This week I had a "friend" in town visiting. Now we all know how awkward occasions can sometimes arise out of these situations. Well, to be fair, this friend was a little more than a friend over Christmas and that's why he thought it would continue as such almost four months later. Unfortunately the poor man never took the time to figure out how amazingly fickle I can be about men. In that four months I had been dating and developed and then lost at least three different crushes. I have always been a little fickle when it comes to men... something about not wanting to be trapped.

So, this friend took me out for a lovely dinner, after eight nights spent on the couch and not in my bed. He also took the time to mention me as his friend in his Facebook status - something I took note of and thought was for the best. However, he continued to do such things as hold my hand and presume to try and make out with me. I must say I am rather confused on this point, but really my troubles with men this week have led me to believe that despite the dozens of men I've dated, I really know nothing about them after all.

Okay, that's not entirely true... I do know this friend decided that I should automatically be in love with him even though the past four months had shown a decreasing attachment via cell phone. Every phone conversation got shorter the longer this friend kept talking about himself and interrupting my brief responses with yet more of his endearing tales...

Even though this man is a wonderful man and he tried his best to impress me, the one thing he never did was actually ask me what I wanted. He simply moved forward with his plans and disregarded my thoughts on the whole situation.

And this is why some women sound like complete bitches. Men go to these extreme lengths to impress us but they never consider what is really, truly important. Fancy dinners mean nothing if you don't like the style of food. Flowers are useless if you're allergic to them. These things don't matter if the man hasn't taken the time to actually get to know you - to find out what is important to you.

For those men who have been "friend zoned," perhaps you need to review your methods. Are you doing these things for her or for yourself? You've been friend zoned for a reason... maybe if you take the time to figure out why, you'll have a better shot at getting out of that zone.